
Audiovore Interviews: Princess Music

Princess Music has been up to a lot recently and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down anytime soon. Tyler Ludwick took some time to sit down and answer our silly questions and was probably our most genuine interviewee this whole season. Read on to find out what Princess Music is going to be up to in the next few months, how Tyler sometimes likes misery and for an actual link to the music from what he considers to be the worst band he’s ever been in. It’s actually not too bad.

AudioVore: If you could have any person or animal to be your band mascot, who or what would it be?
Tyler Ludwick: It would be a beautiful, big, great Pyrenees named Juny. She served as the highlight of our music video for White Wave that we just shot, as well as my future wife when re-incarnated after her death, as macabre as a thought as that is.

AV: Would you choose invisibility or flying for your super power?
TL: Flying. Invisibility is just down right creepy.
AV: What would you do with it?
TL: I would just fly. I couldn’t imagine really wanting to do anything else with my life but fly, unencumbered by the confines of gravity and all that comes with it.

AV: Are you recording? Releasing something soon? Just released something? Touring?
TL: We are indeed recording. Tracking the band’s parts to prepare for tracking a full chamber ensemble. We’re scheduled to release that recording in December of this year… fingers crossed! Also we just released “White Wave” which you can check out at We plan to tour early spring 2013 through the summer.

AV: What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
TL: Teaching guitar lessons when I was seventeen and washing dishes. Although at first they seem like different things, they are the same in that I have actually no aptitude for either. I always felt very uncomfortable, tired, hot and poor in posture. It’s not that I don’t have work ethic or like misery sometimes, it’s just that enduring those things day in and day out when I don’t have to is a bit much.

AV: How long have you been a band and how did you culminate into what people are hearing these days?
TL: I would say about 2 years in its most recent form. It’s always just sort of been a matter of connecting back into that 9 year old that I was when I started playing tunes out of a Beatles songbook. There’s something about connecting with that instead of other people, or even your own ideas of what you should be creating or being that is very exhilarating. Two years ago is when the incredibly talented group I’ve surrounded myself with now came into the band and my life has been so different ever since. I’m so grateful for them.

AV: What’s the worst band you’ve ever been in?
TL: Define worst…

AV: What is the best place besides the MCA rooftop to play in Denver?
TL: The walnut room and my friend Griffs grandma’s house. Although at first they seem like different things, they are the same in that they have potentially two of the best sound guys I know. The Walnut Room because of Eric Loomis, who does an amazing job with live sound, and Griff’s grandma’s because of Griff, who does the best job with recorded sound of anyone I would consider someone I know. Not to mention her incredibly comfortable pool table.

AV: Who’s your favorite band in Denver?
TL: P. Hochi
AV: What other bands in Denver would they beat in a kung-fu fight?
TL: Although at first they seem like similar things. I think that performing arts and martial arts are very different things. But I think P. Hochi would win over everyone!

AV: Can you think of any movie sequels that are as good as their original?
TL: Lord of the Rings. Two towers and Return of the King are just as good as the Fellowship. I guess I can’t really say until the Hobbit comes out though. So we’ll see in December.

AV: Favorite hot dog place in Denver?
TL: Mile High Vienna Stand

AV: How many servings of fruit do you eat per day?
TL: Regretfully, I’m actually not too big of a fruit guy. You should ask our cellist Psyche, She eats a lot of intermittent meals that frequently involve fruit. We don’t call her, “Psy Psy the Psnackster!” for no reason you know.

AV: Who’s body is nicer when exposed on stage: Aaron Collins from A. Tom Collins, Avery Raines from Mr. Pacman, or Iggy Pop from The Stooges?
TL: Aaron Collins. Without a question. He’s my homie. I love Aaron.

AV: What is the one thing you want people reading Audiovore to know about your band?
TL: That nothing can mask our desire to emotionally connect with people as much as we do each other, or the music itself.

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